There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to go home⁠—or being late for work⁠—than having your key suddenly snap off in your car door’s lock. You can try and get it out yourself, but you might not have all the tools needed to do this with as little damage being done to the already broken key and the lock. You don’t want to have the key break apart more or potentially cause your car door’s lock to start to malfunction. Calling a locksmith should be one of the first people you consider when considering outside assistance.

The right locksmith should be able to come to your exact location and provide you with the help required. They will be able to get there in a timely manner⁠—if they are close⁠—and perform a car key extraction. Rocket Locksmith will not only arrive at your location as soon as possible, but we will be able to do a car key extraction swiftly. We will even make you a new key if you don’t have a spare. Contact us now to learn more about what we can do or if you need a solution soon.

Car Key Extraction Meaning

The exact definition of a car key extraction is the process of pulling a broken key out of your ignition or car door. However, it’s not as simple as just pulling the key out. It might be stuck in a certain position and is unable to be moved. This doesn’t mean you should try and force it out because this has the potential of damaging your ignition port and your car door. You can try and use some lubricant to make it easier to jiggle around, but this might not be enough. This is why it’s important you have someone in your phone to call to provide you with the assistance you need.

Who Can Extract a Car Key?

Now, you may be wondering who exactly can extract a broken key, but you shouldn’t think too hard. There are a couple of people you can see, but the price may vary depending on where you go and the work they do. A car dealership can provide assistance, but you will need to somehow get your car to them which can be costly for many people.

The same thing will happen with a mechanic, as well as a higher chance of them trying to make you pay more than what is necessary. Seeing a locksmith is your last resort and they won’t try to scavenge as much money from you as possible. These people are specifically trained in doing these kinds of tasks, which is why they are the best professionals to see for car key extractions.

Locksmiths Near Me

Before you call the first locksmith you see, you should make sure they are the right people for you to work with. For one, you want to make sure you pick a locksmith in a close range of you so you don’t have to wait long for them to work. Rocket Locksmith has been able to help the people in Missouri and Florida for decades because of our determination to providing exceptional care to those in our communities. However, there are still some other factors you should consider before making a decision on a locksmith.

Choosing the Best Locksmith

Location is crucial when choosing a locksmith, but it’s not the only thing to watch out for. Factors like how many services they provide, the experience and tools they possess, and even when they are available. Picking a locksmith who has been in the industry for a long time ensures you get someone who knows how to handle any situation.

Additionally, they should be able to come to you at any time of the day without needing to upcharge you. With a 24-hour servicing schedule, you will never be locked out in an uncomfortable area longer than necessary. Plus, the right locksmith, like Rocket Locksmith, will have a van fully stocked with all of the latest equipment used in the industry.

Although, price is the biggest factor to consider because there’s no reason you should pay more than what is required. The average cost to get a locksmith to your location costs around 75 dollars, but at Rocket Locksmith it’s only 19 dollars to dispatch someone to diagnose your problem. We actually do our best to provide people with reasonable rates because they are already in a tough position, there’s no reason to make it worse.

Average Cost of Car Key Extraction

Car key extractions can vary in price depending on where you go, but the average price seems to be around 85 dollars. This may be due to the fact there are newer models out there needing more precision, but this can also be companies trying to make an insane profit. Rocket Locksmith will charge you as little as 29 dollars to get your broken key out of your ignition or car door. Altogether, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have our number⁠—314-899-2469—saved in your phone.

Contact Rocket Locksmith Today for Car Key Extraction!

Being late to work is already stressful, there’s no reason you should tack on trying to figure out how to extract your car key into the mix. Rocket Locksmith wants to assure you we will come to your exact location within a timely manner so you can go about your day with no more hiccups appearing. Contact us now if you want to learn more about us or if you need our assistance today.