As a business, you need to make sure you are constantly advancing your company’s security, look, and products and services you provide. However, it’s understandable to try and constantly think of innovative products or services, but changing the way your company looks and its security is still incredibly manageable. Using the same key and lock combination you used a decade ago can open you up to all kinds of problems.

This is why you should take the time to look into upgrading your business’s locks. Rocket Locksmith understands the hesitation people may have about getting new locks or even rekeying them, but you shouldn’t be worried about this project. We do our best to provide you with reasonable rates so you don’t feel like you are overspending, but you will still be receiving an exceptional lock. Contact us now to learn more about what we can do or if you want to start this advancement soon.

Upgrading Commercial Locks

There are many reasons why you should consider upgrading your commercial locks. For one, it fortifies your security from people who many try and break-in; including disgruntled ex and present employees. This can be avoided by just rekeying the locks or you can go for the more advanced root and completely upgrade your security by utilizing a keyless entry system.

You will be able to track who comes in and when they leave, so this gives you a better idea of how to pay them if they are hourly or an idea of your employee’s average day looks like. You can even set certain codes as to when people can come in so you can better manage your store. Additionally, you will be provided with a variety of options to choose from, especially if you see the right locksmith.

Locksmiths Advancing Commercial Security

Deciding to upgrade your locks at your place of work can be one of the best things you do, but you need to make sure you pick the right locksmith. Rocket Locksmith can guarantee you will find the best lock matching your demands when you choose to work with us. Not only will we provide you with a unique variety of smart locks and panic bars to install, but we can do this all at a much more affordable rate than the average bill locksmiths offer.

Installing Keyless Entry System

If you don’t know if you should use a keyless entry system, then you should consider the benefits of using one and compare it to your own store’s needs. Thankfully, you can choose from a couple of options, but the most popular three are keyless entry systems, locks using a password, or even those needing your thumbprint.

All of these are great ways to strengthen your office’s security and each comes with their own advantages. Keyless entry systems using a transponder means you don’t have to use a lock, which can wear down over the years from constant use. You can just put a FOB up to the lock and it will let you in, but it can track who comes and goes; just like password locks and those using biometrics.

Certain passwords can be given to employees, so you know if they are coming at the wrong hours or are leaving when they shouldn’t be. Furthermore, just like biometrics, it’s nearly impossible to break into these locks. However, biometrics gives the total level of security because it’s matching people’s information. Altogether, Rocket Locksmith can offer you a wide variety of locks to install, so you don’t have to feel pressured to choose only one.

Installing Panic Bar

Panic bars have many names—crash bars, exit bars, push bars—but they all do the same thing. It’s a horizontal latch you can just lean on to open the door up. This prevents people from being trapped when disaster strikes and allows for a free flow of traffic to leave the building. It doesn’t take much pressure to open it either, which just helps even more when placed in disastrous situations.

Additionally, people can’t enter from the outside unless they have a key or it’s set-up to be unlocked from external forces. Fortunately, just like keyless entry systems, it’s not going to cost you more than 150 dollars for these kinds of installations, which is drastically lower than the average maximum rate of 400 dollars other locksmiths charge.

Contact Rocket Locksmith Today!

Don’t settle for a shoddy practice or an unnecessarily expensive contractor, when you can use an exceptional service for affordable rates. It doesn’t matter if it’s making you a spare key, installing smart locks, or even helping people with their ignition, we will make sure you pay a fair price. Additionally, Rocket Locksmith doesn’t want you to be vulnerable to outside dangers, which is why we do our best to guarantee your safety. Contact us now if you want to learn more about our other services or if you want to install these advance locks soon.