There might not be a lot of thought going into your decision making when it comes to getting a ket duplicated, but you should make sure you choose the right place and person to assist you with this task. For instance, you may not be considering the fact they don’t want they are actually doing and are just following a vague list of directions they were given. The end result being a key working for a little bit until it suddenly starts to malfunction and causing you to be late for work or getting home.

Thankfully, there isn’t many considerations you need to be mindful of when it comes to picking the best right resource to cut your keys. Rocket Locksmith wants to help you make a mindful decision when picking out a place, which is why we doing our best to create a valuable source you can turn to when picking out something to duplicate your keys. Contact us when you can if you want to learn more about what we do or if you know you are in need of our assistance now.

Who Can Copy Keys?

The home improvement store is probably one of the most picked places to visit when it comes to making duplicate keys, but this may not be the best decision. These are still salespeople who are mindful of what they are selling, but they aren’t specifically trained to build you a new cabin as they are to make you a new key. Additionally, they aren’t going to be able to make all kinds of keys, such as car keys.

You may think of visiting a car dealership to get a replacement key, but may people have reported paying upward of thousands of dollars to get a key with all the features their original had. There is no reason you should have to spend so much money when there are professionals out there willing to help you with price in mind so you never have to pay more than what is reasonable.

Where Can I Copy a Key Near Me?

Locksmiths should be the first people you think of when you are in need of a duplicate key made. Not only is Rocket Locksmith constantly trying to maximize on your time with efficiency but we are all well-trained in the various kinds of keys out there. Being located in cities across Missouri and Weston, Florida, has given us a wide collection of knowledge we can utilize to ensure we make you the best cut of the key you need to be duplicated.

Different Types of Keys

There are all kinds of keys out there you may come in contact with, but the most common ones you will interact with are going to be house, car, and work keys. However, each of these kinds of keys can come in different forms and may need a certain combination to duplicate it. For instance, many home and commercial properties are installing a keyless entry system. These can usually require a passcode, a key card, or even some form of biometrics, but you don’t need to worry about finding a person to get you inside and make you a duplicate.

The right locksmith will be able to make sure you get back inside and have the tools to prevent this from happening again. Additionally, we have all the latest equipment needed to duplicate keys, we can even cut you copies of car keys with transponders. It doesn’t matter what kind of key you need duplicated, seeing a reputable and professional locksmith with decades of experience under their belt will ensure you get the key duplicated.

Automotive Services

Though security is always a concern, it’s the frustration that comes with being locked out of your vehicle that really gets to you. Pair that with living in a city like Chicago and it only becomes more of a hassle. However, Rocket Locksmith takes the hassle out of situations like these for St. Louis, Kansas City, Charleston, MO and Weston Park, FL residents. We can replace car keys & locks, get you back in your vehicle, provide new transponder key chips, and more. Check out our automotive services page for more info.

Residential Services

Home security is always important, and Rocket Locksmith recognizes that. To help keep homeowners safe and secure, we can replace your home’s locks and improve security with ease. To accomplish this, we offer the following residential locksmith solutions:

  • Lock Rekeying
  • New Keys
  • Window, Garage, & Mailbox Lock Opening & Replacement
  • High-Security Deadbolts/Mortise Lock Installation
  • Door Viewer Installation (Peephole)
  • Knobs, Cylinder Locks, & Sliding Glass Door Repair

Commercial Solutions

Finally, we also offer a list of services for commercial spaces. As a building owner, you’re probably well aware of how important security is, as you need to protect tenants and any assets inside. When you need to improve security and/or replace locks, we’ve got you covered. Take a look at our commercial solutions below:

  • Mortise, Magnetic, & High-Security Lock Repair & Installation
  • Lock Rekeying
  • Electric Strikes and Continuous Hinges Installation
  • Provision of Restricted Keys
  • Panic Bars, Electric Door Release System, & Exit Alarm Lock Installation
  • File Cabinet Lock Opening, Repair, & Installation

Contact Rocket Locksmith Today to Get Keys Cut!

Don’t sell your short and choose to settle for a business making you a shoddy duplicate capable of breaking on you sooner than you’d expect. Rocket Locksmith wants to assure you have a duplicate key and an original key you can always use so you won’t need us to perform an emergency unlocking at your property. However, we will be happy to come to you, no matter where you are we will arrive and provide the assistance you need. Contact us today to learn more about our services or if you need to use our 24-hour service now.